Skunk Trapping & Skunk Removal

You must have a problem with skunks or you would not have found our skunk trapping page. Although Skunks are not aggressive, if they are startled or threatened the consequence of being sprayed is quite unpleasant so if you have a Skunk taking up residence on your property having it trapped and relocated is often a good idea. This is especially the case if you have animals or children on the property as they may not be aware of the presence of a Skunk or heed the warnings to avoid being sprayed.
Our Skunk trapping and removal service area in North Georgia extends to the following areas: Alpharetta, Ball Ground, Blue Ridge, Canton, Crabapple, Cumming, Dahlonega, Dawsonville, Duluth, Ellijay, Gainesville, Jasper, Johns Creek, Marietta, Milton, Roswell, and Suwanee.
COUNTIES WE SERVICE: Fulton County, Dekalb County, Gwinnett County, Hall County, Dawson County, Cobb County & Forsyth County.
If you are outside of these areas just give us a call! We want to help however possible.
Our Skunk Trapping Services
We charge a FLAT RATE TRAPPING FEE for One (1) week of skunk trapping & skunk removal services. There is NO setup fee, NO per animal fee, NO need for an estimate or quote. The trapping fee is all inclusive: Five (5) trips out every single day to set the traps, check the traps, and to relocate any skunks trapped. It is the law in the State of Georgia that the traps are checked every single day – No exceptions. Daily trap checking is important for many reasons: 1) It’s the law, 2) Humane to the skunks but equally important 3) It enables us to make the most out of your trapping dollars by our Professional Wildlife Technicians have the opportunity to reposition any traps that are not productive and rebaiting if necessary.
We have to inspect the property to determine the best trap to use and the location of the trap.
– We use live cage traps that are effective and humane.
– During the hot months our live traps are kept in the shade when possible and we check our traps every single day to assure the animals are subjected to the least amount of stress as possible by being in the trap.
– We release skunks when & where permissible by law. While taking into consideration both food supply and water source.
– Any injured skunks trapped are taken to a wildlife rehabilitator to be treated then released when they are ready to go back into the wild.